Marketplace AM for June 7, 2007
Jun 7, 2007

Marketplace AM for June 7, 2007

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Segments From this episode

We're charging up profits for MasterCard

Jun 7, 2007
For everything else, indeed. Shoppers are using plastic to pay more than ever and that's driving newly-public MasterCard stock way up. So what now? The company will probably invest in ways to make charging even easier, Jill Barshay reports.

Time to sell?

Jun 7, 2007
Brokerage firm Morgan Stanley has a sophisticated market model with three key indicators and they're all blinking SELL for the first time since the dot-com bust. But it's not time for panic, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard explains.

GPShopping is here

Jun 7, 2007
Sprint launches a new service today that uses global positioning technology to help shoppers find products in stores. And this is just the beginning, Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

New tale of an old scandal

Jun 7, 2007
The cast: British defense giant BAE, American banks, a Saudi Arabian prince. The alleged plotline: Contractor pays prince hundreds of millions to secure $80 billion defense deal. Now word that U.S. banks may be involved. Stephen Beard tells us how.

Drug companies get what they pay for

Jun 7, 2007
Patients beware: The results of drug studies are heavily influenced by who footed the bill. And the industry probably won't change as long as there are researchers who need funding. Janet Babin reports.

Bedouin women settle into worklife

Jun 7, 2007
Israel's Bedouins have been trying to transition from thousands of years of nomadic life to a more settled existence, a big challenge for a community with 60% unemployment. But women have found surprisingly equal footing, Shia Levitt reports.

Superbugs create super opportunity

Jun 7, 2007
You don't want to go to the hospital, the old joke goes, it's full of sick people! And, it turns out, increasingly you're likely to catch an antibiotic-resistant infection there. Scary for patients, but it could mean big bucks for big pharma. Helen Palmer reports.

Holding the immigration bill together... or not

Jun 7, 2007
The Senate's fragile bipartisan compromise on immigration is being tested by a series of proposed amendments, but the push and shove could come to an end soon. A vote may be forced as early as today, Jeremy Hobson reports.

Economics of a superstar

Jun 7, 2007
LeBron James has arrived. He's lived up to his promise in Cleveland and his spotlight may draw some free agents hungry for a championship, but it still won't be easy for the Cavs to build a legacy team around him, says David Carter.