Segments From this episode

Soda for sale?

Mar 14, 2007
Move over Sunkist. News that billionaire Nelson Peltz bought a 3 percent stake in Cadbury Schweppes has popped the lid on speculation that it may sell its American soft drink business and concentrate on chocolate. Investors seem to approve.

Another Mexican border to cross

Mar 14, 2007
For many illegal immigrants, the journey to the U.S. begins south of Mexico. But traffic across its Guatemalan border isn't one-way. There's a $10 billion contraband economy based on the loosely-patrolled perimeter.

New breast cancer drug on the way

Mar 14, 2007
GlaxoSmithKline's new drug Tykerb has won FDA approval to treat aggressive late-stage breast cancer. It could be a blockbuster — for investors and patients.

Nuclear sub debate surfaces in Britain

Mar 14, 2007
Prime Minister Tony Blair wants to spend nearly $40 billion to renew his country's fleet of Trident nuclear submarines — a plan that's outraged members of the ruling Labour Party as well as activists.

Let's keep candidates off Wall Street

Mar 14, 2007
Commentator Robert Reich says as presidential candidates spend less time at coffee klatches and more time talking to investment bankers, the American people are getting short-changed.

Light bulb maker flips the switch

Mar 14, 2007
Environmentalists have been pushing people to switch to energy-saving lighting for years. Now even the world's biggest light bulb maker is saying it's a bright idea.

United against fuel efficiency hikes

Mar 14, 2007
The Big Three U.S. automakers, Toyota and UAW will be sitting on the same side of the table today. They're all on Capitol Hill to argue against government proposals for raising fuel efficiency standards.

Media circus comes to town

Mar 14, 2007
Former newspaper tycoon Conrad Black goes on trial for fraud in Chicago today. He and his co-defendants are accused of siphoning about $84 million from media giant Hollinger International.