Segments From this episode

PR 101: Timing really is everything

Mar 16, 2007
Timing is a precious commodity in the public relations industry — and also a strategic tool. Smart companies, not to mention politicians, use a few time-tested formulas in an attempt to maximize the good news and hide the bad.

Building an Olympic edge

Mar 16, 2007
U.S. officials decide a month from now whether Los Angeles or Chicago gets to move forward with America's bid to host the 2016 Olympics. Both cities insist they'll make money on the deal, but one may face much less financial risk.

Save the poppies

Mar 16, 2007
Afghanistan's poppies already supply over 90 of the world's heroin, and this year's crop is huge. The U.S. wants to destroy the poppy fields, but some folks think they have a better idea.

China loves Skype

Mar 16, 2007
Markets in developing nations are growing fast and as they do, they often skip a generation of technology. The latest example: Internet phone provider Skype now has more customers in China than the U.S.

Student loan kickbacks

Mar 16, 2007
New York's Attorney General says public and private colleges across the country are getting kickbacks from college loan companies to push their loans, even if they may not be the best choice for students.

Selling Afghanistan

Mar 16, 2007
An entrepreneur in Kabul says claims by the U.S. and Afghan governments that the country is ready for business investment are laughable — that crime and corruption there are still on par with the Wild West.

Inflation watch: Consumer prices up again

Mar 16, 2007
Consumer prices exceeded the Fed's expectations for inflation in February — doubling the January increase — but policymakers may well leave interest rates unchanged when they meet next week to avoid risking recession.