Segments From this episode

'Election' in Hong Kong this weekend

Mar 23, 2007
It's not the kind of democracy we're used to, but Hong Kong's business community will vote Sunday to keep Donald Tsang as head of government there. It's pretty much a no-brainer considering the booming economy.

All grapes are not created equal

Mar 23, 2007
The truth in labeling movement is seeping into vineyards. Winemakers from the U.S., Europe and Australia were on the Hill this week asking lawmakers and trade officials to protect the integrity of their labels.

Do movie critics still matter?

Mar 23, 2007
Fact is, many of the top box office draws are widely panned by critics. Now that we can watch trailers and read reviews from regular people online, are film critics are becoming irrelevant? Not exactly, says Daily Variety's Mike Speier.

Fighting an antibiotic resistance — with taxes

Mar 23, 2007
Antibiotics are so cheap and easy to prescribe, there's little incentive for doctors not to, even though resistance grows with each use. But now a think tank has suggested novel approach: If you can't cure the behavior, tax it.

Golden anniversary in Europe

Mar 23, 2007
The European Union turns 50 on Sunday and people will be celebrating its history with free beer and sausage in the streets of Berlin. But as in many relationships, there's squabbling about the future behind the happy facade.

Senate chews on new tobacco tax

Mar 23, 2007
A vote is expected today on a plan to hike tobacco taxes again. This time the increase would be used to boost funding for a health insurance program for low-income children.

Coaches advance through the salary brackets

Mar 23, 2007
College basketball coaches are already among the highest-paid employees at universities — but taking a team to the Sweet 16 and beyond can propel them into a whole new salary league.

Grand theft corporate

Mar 23, 2007
Oracle is suing rival software giant SAP, saying it hacked into its support sites with Oracle customer logins. SAP allegedly accessed proprietary information and then used it to undercut Oracle rates in order to steal its customers.

Bad for pets, good for pet stores. . . sort of

Mar 23, 2007
Last weekend's massive pet food recall has turned many nervous pet owners away from big box stores and big name brands. But organic suppliers and pet stores are having a hard time keeping up with the booming new demand.