Segments From this episode

Home for sale by YouTube

Mar 26, 2007
Realtors and sellers have discovered online video sites as a powerful new tool in a housing market that's increasingly friendly to buyers — and it's a trend that's saving everyone time.

Chavez: 'China is the market of the future'

Mar 26, 2007
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is going out of his way to cut the U.S. out of the picture as he nationalizes his country's oil industry — all the way to China.

Who controls the price of things?

Mar 26, 2007
The Supreme Court hears a case today that could change the rules of retail. It'll decide whether manufacturers or stores have the right to set the minimum price of products we buy.

Private equity backlash

Mar 26, 2007
Are they just out to make a quick buck? A growing political backlash is taking form in Europe as deep-pocketed hedge funds and private equity groups continue to buy up companies and sell off their parts.

Oil's not getting cheaper anytime soon

Mar 26, 2007
The price of oil has shot up over $63 a barrel, the highest this year. And given the current political landscape and reduction in global inventories, we can probably expect prices above $60 for the foreseeable future.

Senate considers union bill

Mar 26, 2007
The Employee Free Choice Act is designed to make it easier for workers to form unions. It's already passed the House but faces the threat of a filibuster in the Senate.

Sloan Sessions: Blackstone IPO

Mar 26, 2007
Newsweek's Allan Sloan says the private equity superstars at The Blackstone Group only stand to win when the company goes public, but the outcome isn't so clear for investors who want to buy in.