Segments From this episode

The Fed is in session

Mar 27, 2006
The Federal Open Market Committee holds its first meeting today under new leader Ben Bernanke. The Fed Chairman might be new, but analysts expect more of the same when it comes to interest rates. Amy Scott reports.

China keeps gas prices low

Mar 27, 2006
The Chinese have been enjoying cheap gasoline because the government controls the price. Over the weekend, China bumped up prices 3% to 5%. But as Jocelyn Ford reports, that's not much.

March madness on Wall Street

Mar 27, 2006
Newsweek Wall Street editor Allan Sloan debunks the myth that the stock market is nearing a five-year high. He talks with host Scott Jagow.

Walgreens looks healthy

Mar 27, 2006
The nation's number one drug retailer is scheduled to report quarterly earnings today. And as Patrick Hirsch reports, the long-term prognosis for the company is good.