Segments From this episode


Mar 27, 2007
The Supreme Court takes up a case today that could have big implications on Wall Street. Investment banks are accused of conspiring to inflate IPO prices during the '90s dot-com boom and subsequent bust. And a whole lotta money hangs in the balance.

A new deal for free trade

Mar 27, 2007
Democrats are unveiling an initiative today that would force the U.S. to include worker protections in future trade deals — a move that could sink some of the White House's free trade aspirations in Latin America.

Biogenerics on the slow road to market

Mar 27, 2007
Biologics are among the most expensive drugs in the world — in part because the government has never cleared a path to allow generic drugmakers to compete. That could soon change, but there are safety roadblocks ahead.

Good outlook for Vista sales

Mar 27, 2007
Turns out early forecasts calling for lackluster sales of Vista may have been off. Microsoft has released the first sales figures for its new operating system and they're not too shabby.

Nuclear power redux

Mar 27, 2007
Washington is offering billions in incentives to get utility companies to build a new wave of nuclear reactors to meet growing energy demands. The companies are lining up for the subsidies, but investors and consumers are weary.

Rainy day for missile defense

Mar 27, 2007
A House subcommittee meets today to consider the Pentagon's $10 billon request for the next phase of our missile defense system. That includes a sizeable chunk to repair seven missile silos ruined by rain last year.

Britain's housing still booming

Mar 27, 2007
As some economists worry that U.S. housing troubles could trigger a full-scale global financial crisis, Britain's home builders are still enjoying a robust market. And now two of the biggest are joining forces.

New target on cancer

Mar 27, 2007
Theranostics will use micro-ray technology to pinpoint proteins in individual cancer patients to help doctors decide what drugs will be most effective — an innovation borne of a joint effort from the non- and for-profit worlds.