Segments From this episode

Retirees oppose GM/UAW deal

Mar 7, 2006
More than 1200 retired GM autoworkers have lodged formal complaints against a deal between the automaker and the United Auto Workers to require pensioners to pay more for their healthcare. A federal hearing into the matter concludes today and Judge Robert Cleland has until April 1 to approve or reject the deal. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Approaching the debt ceiling

Mar 7, 2006
The Treasury Department attempts to slow the accumulation of federal red ink today by issuing $7 billion in quick-turnaround bonds. Janet Babin reports.

Corporate philanthropy

Mar 7, 2006
Commentator Matthew Bishop looks at the motives besides altruism for corporations' charitable donations.

WTO rules against Mexico

Mar 7, 2006
The World Trade Organization ruled that Mexico violated international trade rules by slapping a 20% tax on imported soft drinks that contain sweeteners other than cane sugar. The U.S. had opposed the tax. Dan Grech reports.