Segments From this episode

The next tech wave

Mar 8, 2006
You say you want a revolution . . . in technology. Well, you might not have to wait long. Thousands of tech visionaries gather in Germany today to introduce new breakthroughs in electronic gadgets. How about high definition TV on your cell phone? Janet Babin has more.

OPEC meeting

Mar 8, 2006
OPEC ministers gather in Vienna today to discuss future petroleum production. As John Dimsdale reports, the buzzwords at this meeting will be "political stability."

This download brought to you by . . . .

Mar 8, 2006
Would you be willing to sit through paid advertising to get video downloads for free? According to a new survey, nearly three-quarters of respondents said they would. As Tess Vigeland reports, such sentiment could be a boon for Apple's video iPod.
Chung Sung-Jun (c) Getty Images

Right to Play

Mar 8, 2006
The Winter Olympic torch may be extinguished, but enthusiasm for a nonprofit that became the unexpected poster child of the Games still burns bright. Melaina Spitzer has more from Turin, Italy.