Segments From this episode

The news from Warren Buffet

Mar 9, 2006
Host Scott Jagow and personal finance expert Chris Farrell deconstruct the Oracle of Omaha's latest annual letter to shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway holding company.

Japan rising

Mar 9, 2006
The Bank of Japan today ended a five-year policy that kept interest rates near zero. It's the first step toward an eventual rise in rates, something that's already happening in the U.S. and Europe. But Jocelyn Ford reports that the news isn't all bad.

Cell phone versus radio

Mar 9, 2006
A new report indicates commuters spend more time using their cell phones than they do listening to the radio. Lisa Napoli reports.

Wall Street policing Wall Street

Mar 9, 2006
Critics and supporters of efforts to facilitate Wall Street's practice of regulating itself are expected to turn out at a Senate Banking Committee hearing today. Amy Scott reports.