Segments From this episode

Tax cut extension

May 10, 2006
Congressional Republicans agreed to pass $70 billion in tax cut extensions Tuesday despite criticism the move could worsen the federal budget deficit. Tess Vigeland reports.

Will the Internet stay fast and cheap?

May 10, 2006
Commentator Robert Reich argues the very idea of a democratic Internet is threatened by the so-called net neutrality bill working its way through Congress.

Pesticide pioneers

May 10, 2006
Biopesticides are the fastest-growing segment of the pesticide market, touted as a less toxic alternative. One California company is determined to show that "nature's chemistry" can make least, one day. Sarah Gardner reports.

Increased dependence on foreign ethanol?

May 10, 2006
President Bush and House Majority Leader John Boehner have proposed relaxing tariffs on foreign ethanol to help reduce gasoline prices. But it won't be an easy sell to Corn Belt lawmakers. Curt Nickisch reports.

Spoon-Fed on Wall Street

May 10, 2006
Ahead of today's Federal Reserve meeting, Cheryl Glaser reports new Fed chief Ben Bernanke may have learned his lesson about speaking too freely about US monetary policy.