Segments From this episode

Your friendly local avatar

May 23, 2007
Just when you thought one of the greatest benefits of shopping online was never having to say "I'm just browsing thanks," more companies are discovering that virtual salespeople can boost Internet sales. Mike Rhee has the story.

Cheaper roaming in Europe

May 23, 2007
Using cell phones across Europe is about to become much more affordable — as much as 75 percent cheaper. It's all part of the movement to bring E.U. member states closer, says Stephen Beard.

Waiting. . . and waiting. . . for takeoff

May 23, 2007
Summer travelers, be prepared for more airport delays than ever. The FAA has a plan to help reduce delays, but analysts say the root of the problem will remain: There's only so much pavement. Janet Babin explains.

Middle East energy deal

May 23, 2007
Britain's BG Group is poised to close a historic deal to supply Palestinian natural gas to Israel. It would develop a large gas field off the coast of the Palestinian-controlled Gaza territory. But some big questions remain, Stephen Beard reports.

Sarb-Ox revisited again

May 23, 2007
Many small companies have struggled to cover the costs of following the Sarbanes-Oxley accounting rules, but exempting them could encourage the type of accounting fraud the law is intended to fight. Steve Henn reports.

Time to copy the carbon trading market

May 23, 2007
Greenhouse gas emissions from the U.S. — and China and India and Russia — are rising so fast they've easily canceled out a dip in Europe, according to a recent U.N. report. So maybe the E.U.'s onto something with its emissions trading market, says Glenn Hubbard.

A safer brand of toothbrush

May 23, 2007
Two everyday bathroom products are everyday weapons in prison. So researchers at Johns Hopkins have designed razors and toothbrushes that can't be sharpened into makeshift knives. Steve Tripoli has details.

New regs for Fannie and Freddie?

May 23, 2007
The two government-sponsored mortgage companies face a slew of new rules because of recent high-profile scandals. But the political winds in Washington aren't favorable. Jeremy Hobson reports.