Segments From this episode

Utility workers wanted

May 29, 2007
A severe labor shortage looms in the power industry thanks to rising energy demands and a workforce on the verge of retirement. Sarah Gardner looks at how utility companies plan to keep the juice coming.

Labor's German Model getting rusty

May 29, 2007
German workers have a long and successful tradition of organizing to assert their political will, but lately things haven't been running quite as smoothly for that country's powerful labor unions. Ethan Lindsey reports.
Striking Deutsche Telekom workers strike in front of a T-Com outlet in Essen May 11. About 11,000 workers are expected to join the strike.
Volker Hartmann/AFP/Getty Images

An economy ready to retire

May 29, 2007
Overall growth of the U.S. economy has been fairly strong despite housing worries, says a new OECD report, but we'll have to figure out how to control inflation and hold things together as Boomers begin retiring. Alisa Roth reports.

Death for kickbacks in China

May 29, 2007
A former Chinese official has been sentenced to death for accepting bribes from drug companies. The decision is meant to send a warning to regulators there — and to do a little foreign damage control, reports Scott Tong.

L.A. still finding its center

May 29, 2007
Downtown Los Angeles has been undergoing some big changes in recent years, but critics say it's still missing the vibrant core that is the heart of other big cities. Can the Grand Avenue Project change all that? Pat Loeb reports.

Take that, Barclays

May 29, 2007
Those banks really, really, <i>really</i> want to get their hands on ABN Amro. The consortium has upped its bid to more than $95 billion, but that doesn't necessarily mean it'll steal it away from rival bidder Barclays. Stephen Beard explains.

G8 climate change warm-up

May 29, 2007
High-ranking officials from the U.S. and Germany are meeting to try to work out a compromise on climate change ahead of next week's G8 summit, but European leaders aren't optimistic, reports Kyle James.