Segments From this episode

Changes in collision insurance

May 30, 2006
With all the cars on the road Monday, there were bound to be more than a couple fender-benders. But as Alex Cohen reports, changes in repair options covered by insurance companies could catch some motorists by surprise.

Bolivia nationalizing mines too?

May 30, 2006
The South American nation is scheduled today to conclude an auction for foreign companies vying to mine its massive El Mutun iron ore deposits. But as Dan Grech reports, a state-owned venture between Bolivia and Venezuela could be the big winner.

Another White House shakeup

May 30, 2006
As expected, Treasury Secretary John Snow has resigned. This morning President Bush announced he has nominated Goldman Sachs chairman Henry Paulson to replace Snow. Hillary Wicai has the details.

Forget manufacturing, we've got marketing

May 30, 2006
Commentator David Frum argues the US doesn't need a strong manufacturing sector to remain the dominant player in the world economy.

In-flight wireless spectrum auction

May 30, 2006
A likely winner has emerged in the Federal Trade Commission's auction of radio spectrum to be used for wireless communications on commercial flights. Jane Lindholm tells us who it is.

Too much foreign investment too fast

May 30, 2006
Investors have been yanking money out of emerging markets, in large part because they put so much money in. A World Bank report today says last year, developing countries were swamped with a record $491 billion in investment. Amy Scott has the details.

Unusual immigration bedfellows

May 30, 2006
An unexpected coalition of groups from across the political spectrum is forming to push through the Senate's plan for immigration reform. John Dimsdale takes a look at the members.

Will a virtual fence work?

May 30, 2006
With all the emphasis being put on a virtual fence to secure the US border with Mexico, Scott Tong looks at how past technological fixes have fared.

EU court strikes down US deal

May 30, 2006
A US law requires airlines traveling to our country to provide detailed passenger information. But today, the European Court of Justice ruled the anti-terrorism measure is illegal. From London, Stephen Beard explains.

South Korea's Enron

May 30, 2006
The crackdown on corporate fraud seems to be spreading to other parts of the world. Today, a court sentenced Daewoo's founder to 10 years in prison for fraud and his company no longer exists. Like Enron, it collapsed.Jocelyn Ford reports.