Segments From this episode

A gender gap in physics classrooms

May 4, 2007
Fewer than eight percent of professors teaching physics at American colleges are women. One of those rare teachers is hoping to find out what makes the profession so lopsided towards men. Jill Barshay reports.

Chavez threatens to nationalize banks

May 4, 2007
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has already taken control of his country's oil production. Now he's threatening to nationalize the banking industry. It's not the first time, reports Alisa Roth, but this time he may be serious.

Hollywood keeps cashing in on comics

May 4, 2007
Spider-Man 3 is all but guaranteed to swing in and open the summer blockbuster season with a huge box office take. Comic books continue to deliver for Hollywood, and it has a lot to do with the geek factor says Daily Variety's Mike Speier.

A greener industrial revolution in Asia

May 4, 2007
A new report says it'll cost less to address global warming than expected. More good news: Thanks to technology, China and India are actually in a better position to limit future greenhouse gases than already-industrialized nations.

A pause in the ABN Amro drama

May 4, 2007
The already complex scramble to buy the ailing Dutch bank just got more complicated. A judge has blocked the sale of a key ABN asset after shareholders sued. Stephen Beard reports.

Greening up the trucking industry

May 4, 2007
The big-rigs that haul goods across the country every day belch clouds of exhaust and get gas mileage that makes SUVs look good. So one environmentalist started selling anti-pollution devices at an Oregon truck stop. Chris Lehman has the story.

Kodak reeling from declining film sales

May 4, 2007
Once a household name in the photographic film industry, Eastman Kodak has so far missed out on the digital camera boom and is shedding thousands more jobs. Alisa Roth reports.

Mystery suitor gives Reuters a boost

May 4, 2007
Reuters is a top provider of financial data and news, but last year reported a 30 percent profit drop. Now news of an anonymous takeover bid is causing the stock price to shoot up — Stephen Beard has the story.

The movie theater lives!

May 4, 2007
Doomsayers have been prognosticating the end for movie theaters for years now. But even in an age of DVDs and Internet video, they're selling more tickets than ever — and now some are taking the business public. Lisa Napoli looks behind the curtain.

Price of a state fit for the Queen

May 4, 2007
Virginia is racking up a king-sized bill to welcome Queen Elizabeth, but tourism experts say it's buying priceless exposure that'll make it all worthwhile in the long run. Jeremy Hobson takes a look at the balance sheet.