Segments From this episode

Artful profiteering

May 7, 2007
A global storm of interest surrounds the spring art auctions kicking off this week in New York. With several works expected to hit record new price points, Janet Babin looks at what's behind the rising cost of fine art.

Un nouveau président

May 7, 2007
The French have elected Nicolas Sarkozy as their next president — a hardliner who's seen as l'Américain when it comes to economic policy. He wants to free up the French economy, and that's led to an unusual air of optimism there.

Hello, Moto? It's Icahn calling. . .

May 7, 2007
Motorola shareholders today will decide whether or not to give billionaire corporate raider Carl Icahn a shot at tinkering with the struggling cell phone giant from the inside. Jill Barshay reports.

Murdoch would be bad news

May 7, 2007
Newsweek's Allan Sloan says no matter what media mogul Rupert Murdoch promises, he will inject his political views into the news coverage if he's allowed to buy The Wall Street Journal — and he's got a powerful incentive to up his bid until it happens.

You gotta pay to play, kids

May 7, 2007
Critics of a deal that gives 20 NYC private schools dibs on the best practice times at Randall's Island ball fields say it's shutting out low-income kids who would most benefit from the space. Alisa Roth has the story.

A British defense invasion

May 7, 2007
When it comes to winning big military contracts, the U.S. is pretty much the jackpot. So Britain's BAE Systems is building up its presence here, buying American defense contractor Armor Holdings. Stephen Beard reports.

Journalists to sue HP over spy scandal

May 7, 2007
Three CNET reporters are breaking an age-old taboo and turning the tables on Corporate America. The journalists plan to sue Hewlett-Packard alleging invasion of privacy after their phone records were scrutinized by HP investigators. Steve Henn reports.

Paying a high price for cheap drugs?

May 7, 2007
Senate Democrats are working to allow cheap prescription drug imports to save Americans money, but critics warn the move could have unintended consequences that'll incur higher costs than what we're paying now, reports John Dimsdale.