Segments From this episode

Looking for a rate cut

May 9, 2007
All eyes are on the Fed today. Most expect short-term interest rates to hold steady, but analysts are divided over what's ahead. Some are talking about the possibility of a rate cut as early as next month, Amy Scott reports.

Close the private equity tax loophole now

May 9, 2007
The Senate Finance Committee considers this week whether money made by private equity partners should be taxed as income instead of capital gains. Commentator Robert Reich says you better believe it.

Cashing in on gift remittances

May 9, 2007
More and more Filipinos living abroad are saying goodbye market vendors, so long Western Union — hello Web. A new crop of businesses is springing up to make sending gifts to loved ones back home easier than ever, reports Lenora Chu.

Where will the tainted food scandal end?

May 9, 2007
More Americans than ever before are eating from an international table. But revelations about tainted fish food in Canada have some worried that lax oversight of food imports could lead to even bigger problems.

Bill Clinton, drug deal superstar

May 9, 2007
The former president has worked out a deal to lower the cost of top-of-the-line AIDS treatment to less than $1 a day in developing nations. That's 50 to 70 percent less, but some say it's still too much. Helen Palmer reports.

Most expensive housing moves to London

May 9, 2007
It's official: London is now home to the most expensive residential real estate in the world, according to the newly-released 2007 Wealth Report, beating out Monaco, New York, Hong Kong and Tokyo. Pat Loeb reports.

Shanghai boom — or bubble?

May 9, 2007
China's market continues its rapid march upward, hurtling over the 4,000 mark today. The euphoric buying spree has some government officials advising caution, but investors won't be swayed, Scott Tong reports.

Mining merger mania

May 9, 2007
Demand for metals in fast-growing China and India is so great it's leading to production shortfalls. And that's left mining companies in a mad scramble to buy each other out, Stephen Beard reports.