Segments From this episode

Bush takes on bird flu

Nov 1, 2005
President Bush is expected Tuesday to unveil his plans to combat a potential outbreak of bird flu in the U.S. But where's the money going to come from to pay for it? Cheryl Glaser reports.

The Oklahoma City Hornets?

Nov 1, 2005
The New Orleans Hornets open their NBA season Tuesday, far from home. Brian Watt looks at how Oklahoma's capital won the chance to host the hurricane-displaced team, and what it's likely to mean to the local economy.

Pigs at the trough?

Nov 1, 2005
The House this week considers a proposal to trim $50 billion from the federal budget. Commentator Susan Lee says the amount doesn't go far enough.

You've come a long way, baby Bells

Nov 1, 2005
The FCC gave the go-ahead Monday to mergers between SBC and ATT and between Verizon and MCI. What's all this consolidation going to mean for consumers? Stacey Vanek Smith has the answer.