Segments From this episode

BP settles last Texas City lawsuit

Nov 10, 2006
A woman who lost her parents in the BP Texas City refinery blast has settled her case against the company out of court, which should have investors breathing a sigh of relief, Stephen Beard reports.

India hoping for nuclear nod

Nov 10, 2006
A controversial bill in the U.S. Congress would recognize India as a nuclear weapon state for the first time. Passage is uncertain but many U.S. companies are hoping it goes through. Miranda Kennedy explains.

Finally some good news for U.S. automakers

Nov 10, 2006
Consumer Reports released its latest new car reliability ratings and several American vehicles scored well — at least for their first year. Steve Tripoli reports.

Veteran economics

Nov 10, 2006
Saturday is Veteran's Day, a time to honor those who have served our country. But disproportionate numbers of veterans are unemployed. Hillary Wicai reports.

Disney makes a deal with UK telecom

Nov 10, 2006
The UK's largest telecom operator has bought the right to screen movies from Disney when it launches its on-demand video service next month. Stephen Beard reports.

Saved by couscous

Nov 10, 2006
An exotic food has changed the fortunes of the Sicilian town of San Vito. Megan Williams tells us how.

See it, search it

Nov 10, 2006
New technology allows computer users to search for items by appearance rather than words. Amy Scott reports the innovation has piqued the interest of online retailers.

Web 2.0: Making money

Nov 10, 2006
A weeklong conference looking at the future of the Internet wraps up today. It's all about monetizing the Web, Rachel Dornhelm reports.

Denim couture craze fading?

Nov 10, 2006
Jeans have gone from low-brow to high fashion and designers are cashing in. But fashion is fickle and some say the high-priced denim trend could be on its way out. Janet Babin reports.

China to shed some dollars

Nov 10, 2006
In light of news that China plans to diversify its foreign reserve holdings away from U.S. treasuries, Steve Tripoli looks at how such a move could impact the U.S. and global economies.