Segments From this episode

Birth of the ticker

Nov 13, 2006
This week in 1867, things started moving faster on Wall Street. Stacey Vanek-Smith takes us back for the unveiling of the stock ticker.

Trademarking power

Nov 13, 2006
Oil giants BP and Shell are fighting over use of the word "power" in Britain's High Court today. Stephen Beard has the story.

Toyota's plan for world domination

Nov 13, 2006
A leaked copy of Toyota's Global Master Plan says it plans to grab 14 percent of the world car market by 2010 in its bid to unseat GM. Miranda Kennedy tells us how.

Alcohol problems in Russia

Nov 13, 2006
Russia's government has been making a push to bring alcohol sales back under state control — and money could be as much a motive as ending the rash of alcohol poisoning there. Host Scott Jagow talks to Moscow reporter Julian Evans.

Microvending in Kenya

Nov 13, 2006
Kitty Felde hits the streets of Nairobi with a new breed of entrepreneur that gives fresh meaning to the phrase less is more.

Newspapers aren't dead yet

Nov 13, 2006
It's hardly news that the newspaper industry is doing badly, so why do so many people want to buy the Tribune Group? Alisa Roth reports.

Health insurance for all?

Nov 13, 2006
And you'll never believe who's proposing it: The main lobbying group representing the insurance industry has a plan to cover the uninsured. It could be a pre-emptive strike, Hillary Wicai reports.

Coffee prices on the rise

Nov 13, 2006
Volatility in the coffee futures market could boost the prices of some types of java. Rachel Dornhelm reports.

Trade deals in China

Nov 13, 2006
U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez is in China trying to even things out on the playground of trade. Hillary Wicai explains.

Sloan Sessions: Post-election market

Nov 13, 2006
Host Scott Jagow and Newsweek Wall Street editor Allan Sloan look at the market reaction to the Democratic takeover of Congress.