Segments From this episode

Holiday travelers, take a deep breath

Nov 17, 2006
It's the perfect recipe for Thanksgiving travel madness: packed planes, confusing security rules and lots of novice travelers. Hillary Wicai reports.

Sharing nuclear technology with India

Nov 17, 2006
Last night the Senate overwhelmingly passed a controversial deal to share civilian nuclear technology with India. The bill still has to get through the House, but business leaders are hailing it as a major victory. Miranda Kennedy explains.

Formula for movie franchise magic

Nov 17, 2006
Host Mark Austin Thomas and Daily Variety managing editor Michael Speier look at the key ingredients of a successful movie franchise.

Tax whammy for winners

Nov 17, 2006
Winning the lottery is an American dream. Paying taxes on your winnings . . . that's a nightmare. And the IRS doesn't just take its cut from the big wins. Apryl Lundsten reports.

Money worries? You're not alone

Nov 17, 2006
A new survey shows nearly half of all Americans are stressed about their personal finances, but some groups are more stressed than others. Ashley Milne-Tyte has details.

Toyota starts up in Texas

Nov 17, 2006
The Japanese auto giant opens a new plant in San Antonio today to begin making its revamped Tundra. It's looking to cut into the one market its U.S. rivals still dominate: full-size pickup trucks. Amy Scott reports.

'Frankenstein food' shows up in UK

Nov 17, 2006
The transatlantic dispute over genetically-modified crops has flared up again now that a genetically-modified organism has been found in American long grain rice in the UK. Stephen Beard reports.

A whole lot riding on PS3

Nov 17, 2006
The PlayStation 3 has been hailed as a technological marvel with stunning graphics, flashy games and features galore. But its success is no game to Sony, Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
PlayStation 3
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Buy local!

Nov 17, 2006
Tomorrow small business advocates hope to boost regional economies by encouraging consumers to buy local — and to help people understand why it's so important. Lisa Napoli reports.