Segments From this episode

Happy holidays for retail sales?

Nov 2, 2006
Retail sales figures for October are due out today, and they're expected to be up. Jeff Tyler looks at what the news might mean heading into the holiday home stretch.

New health food restrictions in Europe

Nov 2, 2006
Food and drink companies trying to target health-conscious consumers in the EU will soon face tough new labeling and advertising laws. Stephen Beard has details.

Skilled labor shortage in China

Nov 2, 2006
U.S. companies in China continue to make some nice profits, but they are increasingly finding that it's difficult to staff their operations there with qualified workers. Ruth Kirchner reports.

Alternative minimum tax net widens

Nov 2, 2006
Host Scott Jagow and Marketplace economics correspondent Chris Farrell discuss why politicians aren't talking about the alternative minimum tax.

Yahoo for foodies

Nov 2, 2006
Web giant Yahoo is getting into the food business — or at least the business of providing a gathering place for people interested in food. It launches its new site today. Janet Babin reports.

In pursuit of India's wireless market

Nov 2, 2006
Motorola is trying to do some damage control in India after losing a $5 billion bid for wireless phone lines there. Miranda Kennedy reports.

Arizona considers election lottery

Nov 2, 2006
A novel initiative is on next week's ballot in Arizona. It would set up a million-dollar lottery to entice voters to go to the polls. Claudine LoMonaco talks to the man behind it — and his critics.

FCC says yes to free Wi-Fi

Nov 2, 2006
Federal regulators decided yesterday that Continental Airlines can keep operating its free Wi-Fi network at Boston's Logan airport — against the port authority's wishes. Lisa Napoli looks at the implications of the ruling.

Day of the Dead profits to be made

Nov 2, 2006
Today is the Mexican holiday Day of the Dead. It's is growing in popularity in the U.S. and that's sparking a brisk retail trade on the Internet. Rachel Dornhelm reports.