Segments From this episode

Sloan Sessions: US Air's play for Delta

Nov 20, 2006
Host Scott Jagow and Newsweek's Allan Sloan discuss US Airways' hostile takeover bid for Delta Air — and what the outcome will mean to passengers.

A breathalyzer in every car?

Nov 20, 2006
MADD wants all cars owned by convicted drunk drivers to require built-in breathalyzers. The auto industry's on board but some worry car manufacturers are driving down a slippery slope. Dan Grech reports.

Questioning the flu shot

Nov 20, 2006
The CDC recommends flu shots for 185 million of us, but some experts question how effective they really are — and whether it's actually a good public health investment. Helen Palmer reports.

Housing falls alone

Nov 20, 2006
A forecast out today says while the nation's housing industry may be on the ropes, economists don't see much fallout for the rest of the economy. John Dimsdale reports.

How green will the new Congress be?

Nov 20, 2006
With only a slight majority in both houses and the President's veto power looming, Democrats may have a tough time changing U.S. policy on climate change. But a couple proposals have a chance. Sarah Gardner reports.

Pynchon book will sell itself

Nov 20, 2006
Acclaimed novelist Thomas Pynchon won't be doing any publicity for his first book in nine years, but marketing "Against the Day" should be no problem. Lisa Napoli explains.

Another transatlantic market bid denied

Nov 20, 2006
NASDAQ made another takeover bid for the London Stock Exchange — and it's been rebuffed again. Stephen Beard has details, and a look at why the European markets are so appealing.

Hu Jintao arrives in India

Nov 20, 2006
It's India's first visit from a Chinese president in a decade. Both countries have developed into economic power-houses in that time, but they've traditionally seen each other more as rivals than friends. Miranda Kennedy reports.