Segments From this episode

Americans online faster, more often

Nov 29, 2006
A report out today says more than half of us are using broadband to surf the Web — and those high-speed Internet connections are changing our relationship with the computer. Brian Watt reports.

Another setback for Turkey

Nov 29, 2006
Turkey has been campaigning for membership in the EU, but the European Commission is expected to scale back discussion of Turkey's application to join because of its stance on Cyprus. Stephen Beard reports.

TiVo's new advertising model

Nov 29, 2006
The pioneer of digital video recording has announced plans to place ads at the end of recorded programming in an effort to boost revenue. Diantha Parker reports.

GM's new fuel-efficient vision

Nov 29, 2006
The world largest automaker, accused of undermining the electric car in the '90s, is set to announce new fuel-saving technology today. Sarah Gardner reports.

Getting serious about India

Nov 29, 2006
The largest-ever U.S. trade delegation has landed in India. Representatives from almost 200 American companies are attending a summit on doing business there. Miranda Kennedy reports.

$3 billion publishing deal

Nov 29, 2006
An Irish educational software company is buying Boston-based textbook publisher Houghton Mifflin. Alisa Roth reports.

Subsidy is the problem

Nov 29, 2006
Commentator David Frum says boosting loans to college students amounts to a government subsidy for academia.

Celebrex for kids?

Nov 29, 2006
An FDA commission today is expected to consider whether pain reliever Celebrex is suitable to treat juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Steve Tripoli reports.

Keeping Beirut's nights alive

Nov 29, 2006
Amid wars and assassination, many in Beirut have turned to the city's nightclubs for escape. Ben Gilbert looks at the difficulties club owners face in keeping the doors open.