Segments From this episode

Senate to Vote on Reconciliation

Nov 3, 2005
The Senate on Thursday is scheduled to vote on a budget reconciliation bill that among other things would cut Medicaid, farm subsidies, and student financial aid, and open ANWR to drilling. Hillary Wicai reports.

Settlements for Biased Advice

Nov 3, 2005
The administrator of a $440 million restitution fund set up in the wake of a landmark Wall Street settlement for tainted and biased analyst research reports a high number of claims. Amy Scott has more.

Blowing bubbles

Nov 3, 2005
Finance expert Chris Farrell tells host Scott Jagow that many economists are uncomfortable with outgoing Fed Chief Alan Greenspan's laissez-faire attitude toward market bubbles.

Hedge Funds Drop

Nov 3, 2005
Investments in hedge funds have dropped while the purchase of junk bonds has increased. What's going on? Stacey Vanek Smith reports.