Segments From this episode

Vista unveiled

Nov 30, 2006
Microsoft takes the wraps off its long-awaited Vista operating system at the NASDAQ this morning. But if you want it for your home computer you'll have to wait, Lisa Napoli reports.

Jobs aboard

Nov 30, 2006
Looking for a career that pays pretty well and keeps you moving? The railroad business is looking for you. Brian Watt has details.

Russo's faux pas

Nov 30, 2006
Patricia Russo says she won't learn French. Which wouldn't be a problem — except that Friday she becomes the only American CEO of a blue-chip French company. The Marketplace Players offer a lesson in cultural sensitivity. . .

'Paulson Group' releases findings

Nov 30, 2006
The group of business leaders and academics released a report this morning. It says post-Enron regulations are hiking the cost of doing business in the U.S. and hurting American competitiveness. Hillary Wicai reports.

Versatile, practical and now fashionable . . .cork

Nov 30, 2006
Cork is starting to stop up the fashion, accessories and flooring markets. The natural material benefits producers and, as it turns out, the environment. Janet Babin reports.

Social Security ripe for compromise

Nov 30, 2006
Can the new Democratic Congress and Republican White House work together? Maybe. And Marketplace economics correspondent Chris Farrell believes Social Security reform could be the place to start.

Analysts predict lukewarm PMI

Nov 30, 2006
The Chicago PMI measures manufacturing activity in the Midwest and today's numbers could be cause for concern, Diantha Parker reports.

Dollar takes a pounding

Nov 30, 2006
The U.S. dollar has fallen to a 14-year low against the British pound — and wouldn't you know it, housing is a culprit. Stephen Beard explains.