Segments From this episode

Get rid of U.S. farm subsidies

Oct 10, 2007
Regardless of which party controls Congress, farm subsidies keep going and growing. But commentator Robert Reich says they cost too much and don't go to the farmers who need them.

YouTube a weapon against whaling

Oct 10, 2007
Japan plans to hunt 50 humpback whales in Antarctica, which Australia has designated a whale sanctuary. Sam Eaton reports that instead of legal action, the Australian government is trying to get to Japanese children through a campaign on YouTube.

FDA takes closer look at stents

Oct 10, 2007
Stent maker Medtronic has found several safety concerns for its drug-coated stents. The Food and Drug Administration will be looking into whether it should be on the market. Jeremy Hobson reports.

Private school not a leg-up for poor

Oct 10, 2007
Inner-city youth advocates have said low-income students do better in private school in order to get vouchers. But a new study out today says that's actually not true. John Dimsdale reports.

Online reviews eat at restaurant guides

Oct 10, 2007
With so many restaurant reviews available online, do the old standard food guides like Michelin and Zagat really matter? Alisa Roth found some ways they still were.

Washington won't return dirty money

Oct 10, 2007
Before pleading guilty to bribing state legislators, Alaskan oil tycoon Bill Allen very actively spread his wealth around Congress. So far, a lot of his government beneficiaries haven't given the money back. Steve Henn reports.

Pay no price for grocery mistakes

Oct 10, 2007
Customers of Norway's Co-op grocery chain who just didn't like what they bought can now get a full refund -- even if they've already eaten it. Kyle James has more.

India rallies against big retailers

Oct 10, 2007
In India today, 20,000 people gathered for the largest protest of its kind against retail giants like Wal-Mart. Lisa Napoli talks to reporter Jean Parker about the country's ongoing fight against Western-style stores.

More job cuts for Chrysler

Oct 10, 2007
Cerberus, the private-equity firm that owns Chrysler, has been making plans to cut non-union jobs. Alisa Roth crunches the numbers and tells us what that means for the company's work force.