Segments From this episode

Big wins on small budgets

Oct 12, 2007
The Colorado Rockies may not be working with a big budget, but they're still running in the playoffs. Lisa Napoli talks to sports commentator Diana Nyad about small-team philosophy that pays off.

A foreclosure means an eviction

Oct 12, 2007
The crisis in the housing market is hitting a growing number of landlords and their tenants. Sam Eaton looks at how far the situation could escalate for renters.

Americans skeptical about free trade

Oct 12, 2007
President Bush wants Congress to support trade agreements in countries like Colombia and South Korea. But some Americans are wary of free trade. Steve Henn explores what's causing the lack of enthusiasm.

This highway brought to you by Spain

Oct 12, 2007
Brazil is larger than the continental U.S., but the economy is being threatened by a crumbling infrastructure. So the government sold 1,600 miles of highway to private companies to help turn things around. Dan Grech reports.

A move to overpower The New Deal

Oct 12, 2007
Paul Krugman's new book, "The Conscience of a Liberal," considers a group determined to take over the Republican party and Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. Doug Krizner discusses a gamut of issues with the author.

Branson comes to Northern Rock's aid

Oct 12, 2007
Sir Richard Branson may rescue Northern Rock by giving cash to the struggling British lender. Kyle James reports this would be a good thing for Branson's Virgin Group.

Summer makes lukewarm fall retail

Oct 12, 2007
Retail sales are up 0.6 percent for September. Alisa Roth gives us a breakdown of what went right, and why good weather may have contributed to what went wrong.