Segments From this episode

Meager profits don't affect bonuses

Oct 15, 2007
Despite a troubled mortgage market, Fortune Magazine's Allan Sloan says it's been a good year on Wall Street. But even where profits fail to soar, the major players will still see healthy bonuses.

Scaling the Great Firewall of China

Oct 15, 2007
When political season hits China, the government shuts down enough websites to keep the Internet at a crawl. Bill Marcus tells us who is most affected by the slow connection.

Will Steady Freddie lose his cool?

Oct 15, 2007
It's been four years since former Freddie Mac CEO Leland Brendsel was accused of accounting fraud to the tune of billions. Today, he'll have to convince a federal judge that he didn't know he was doing anything wrong. Sam Eaton has more.

Up for a little corruption tonight?

Oct 15, 2007
The word "corruption" is popular slang used among Chinese youth to invite someone out to eat. But some cultural critics think the word is too close to the truth. Scott Tong has more.

The Taxman cometh for real this time

Oct 15, 2007
Today is the deadline for people who filed for a tax extension in April. But Alisa Roth reports that many of them have yet to pay up -- and thanks to the current economy, it may take them even longer.

Homeowners: Be more concerned

Oct 15, 2007
A nationwide survey of homeowners with adjustable-rate mortgages shows only a small percentage are worried about impending trouble. Steve Tripoli reports there may be a dangerous knowledge gap at work.

The basics of Mechanism Design

Oct 15, 2007
Three Americans won the Nobel Prize in Economics this morning for Mechanism Design Theory, which economists can use as a market tool. Dan Grech explains how it works.

Working in Italy is war

Oct 15, 2007
In Italy, almost four workers die each day due to workplace-related accidents. Megan Williams reports on what -- or who -- is doing the killing.