Segments From this episode

Congress stirs over chemical protection

Oct 17, 2007
The House and Senate want to continue the terrorism insurance program established after 9/11, but each has its own version of what should be covered. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports on where they differ and why some insurers are concerned.
U.S. House of Representatives
Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images

Redefining the online video world

Oct 17, 2007
Video website Vimeo may not match YouTube in users, but it's promising viewers something its rival doesn't have on the menu: high-definition content. Jill Barshay reports.

U.S. should be wary of sovereign funds

Oct 17, 2007
Countries like Russia and China are using vast pools of government-controlled capital, or "sovereign funds," to purchase Western assets. Commentator David Frum says the U.S. should be mindful of the buyers.

European airline venture takes off

Oct 17, 2007
Air France and Delta Air Lines are teaming up to offer nonstop transatlantic routes from the U.S. to Europe. Kyle James explains why this is a good deal for passengers.

Suffering an unhealthy business model

Oct 17, 2007
HCR ManorCare is deciding whether to sell the company to private-equity firm Carlyle Group. Karen Kasler reports the $6 billion deal could mean severe changes for the company's many nursing facilities.

Supporters of apartheid might pay

Oct 17, 2007
A decision by a New York court is allowing survivors of South African apartheid violence to seek damages from U.S. companies who supported the regime. Gretchen Wilson has more.

New news group, old ethics debacle

Oct 17, 2007
Billionaires Herbert and Marion Sandler are starting a news organization dedicated entirely to investigative journalism. But Steve Tripoli reports where Pro Publica may already hit a conflict of interest.

High taxes cause creative evasion

Oct 17, 2007
Brazilian authorities have raided Cisco offices and several homes on allegations the company evaded millions in taxes. Dan Grech reports the raids point to Brazil's bigger problem with high corporate taxes.