Segments From this episode

Chris Farrell on earnings

Oct 20, 2005
Finance Expert Chris Farrell talks to host Scott Jagow about how much faith investors should put in earnings forecasts.

Goodbye rabbit ears

Oct 20, 2005
Today the Senate Commerce Committee is expected to take up legislation that would move network TV transmissions from analog to digital. Amy Scott reports.

Debt is bad, but that's not all

Oct 20, 2005
New York Fed President Timothy Geithner warned Wednesday that America's budget deficit could hamper future economic growth. But Stacey Vanek Smith reports that there's more to the story.

Wilma heads for orange groves

Oct 20, 2005
With Wilma expected to slam South Florida this weekend, Ashley Milne-Tyte checks in with the state's citrus industry, which was hard hit by last year's hurricane season.