Segments From this episode

Rumors of a Chrysler sale

Oct 26, 2006
There's been rising speculation that Daimler-Chrysler is prepared sell its struggling Chrysler division, but there may be less to the rumors than meets the eye. Stephen Beard reports.

Ford . . . made in China

Oct 26, 2006
Desperate to cut costs, struggling automaker Ford has announced it's going to almost double its purchase of China-made parts. Ruth Kirchner reports.

Billions for a border fence

Oct 26, 2006
President Bush prepares to sign a 700-mile fence between the U.S. and Mexico into law today. John Dimsdale looks at how much the barrier will cost — and where all that money is going to come from.

Storms pummel Mexico tourism

Oct 26, 2006
Tropical Storm Paul is expected to come ashore near Mazatlan today. It'll be the third major storm to batter Mexico's Pacific coast in almost two months. Dan Grech tallies the economic impact.

OJ prices going up

Oct 26, 2006
A Florida orange shortage this year is expected to boost the cost of your morning juice. Rachel Dornhelm reports.

<a href=>Engineering solutions to melting permafrost</a>

Oct 26, 2006
All across Alaska, global warming is taking a heavy toll. Bridges are washing out. Roads are buckling. And scientists say the worst is yet to come as engineers race to shore up infrastructure built on melting permafrost. Sam Eaton reports.

Lung cancer screenings worth it after all?

Oct 26, 2006
Promising results from a new study on lung cancer screening could be a boost for companies that make CT scanners. Janet Babin reports.

SEC looking into mutual fund kickbacks

Oct 26, 2006
Securities regulators are investigating 27 investment advisory companies for allegedly misusing shareholder money. Amy Scott reports.

A little seat exchange history

Oct 26, 2006
This week in 1869, the New York Stock Exchange decided to let members sell their seats. Stacey Vanek-Smith has the history.

Missouri tries to cure its Medicaid mess

Oct 26, 2006
Last year, Missouri went from being one of the best states for insuring its citizens to one of the worst. So it's scrapping its Medicaid system and starting over, Hillary Wicai reports.