Segments From this episode

Small profits for big pharma?

Oct 5, 2006
Host Scott Jagow and economics correspondent Chris Farrell look at a new report that suggests the pharmaceutical industry may not be raking in big profits after all.

FBI investigates spinach grower

Oct 5, 2006
The FBI is now involved in the E. coli investigation. Rachel Dornhelm looks at whether the food processing company in the cross-hairs can bounce back.

Stricter rules, more lost luggage

Oct 5, 2006
As carry-on rules were tightened following the foiled London terror plot in August, passengers had to check more bags. A new report from the Department of Transportation says the rate of lost or mishandled bags jumped 25%. Hillary Wicai reports.

A Ford alliance with Renault-Nissan?

Oct 5, 2006
Now that GM and Renault-Nissan have parted ways, is Ford the next contestant in the auto alliance dating game? Sam Eaton reports.

Sick days for all

Oct 5, 2006
Voters in San Francisco are expected to make their city the first in the country to require paid sick leave for all workers. Could it spark a trend on the national level? Rachel Dornhelm reports.

Bidding on Stuyvesant Town

Oct 5, 2006
Purchase bids are expected today for New York's last bastion of affordable middle class housing. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Star Trek auction

Oct 5, 2006
Christie's today is offering the highest bidder a piece of the final frontier. Janet Babin reports.

Charges filed in HP spy case

Oct 5, 2006
Information security consultant Rob Douglas offers his take on the indictments of Patricia Dunn and four others involved in the HP corporate spying scandal.

Communist China contemplates wage gap

Oct 5, 2006
China's Communist Party meets in Beijing this weekend to discuss political and economic issues many Americans would recognize, such as how to maintain social harmony despite big disparities in wealth. Jocelyn Ford reports.