Segments From this episode

Wal-Mart expands drug discounts

Oct 6, 2006
After a wildly successful test run in Tampa, Wal-Mart is launching its prescription drug discount for all of Florida four months early — and possibly nationwide by the end of the year. Amy Scott examines the impact.

The indoor mall turns 50

Oct 6, 2006
The indoor shopping mall celebrates its 50th anniversary today. Toni Randoph takes a look at the first indoor mall and what's happened to those shopping centers since the first one opened in Minneapolis.

Watching oil prices

Oct 6, 2006
Yesterday there were mixed signals from OPEC about possible oil production cutbacks. So which way are prices headed? Brian Watt reports.

School vending machines going on a diet

Oct 6, 2006
Snacks sold in schools will have to cut the fat, calories, sugar and salt under a new agreement announced today. Hillary Wicai reports.

Lava town

Oct 6, 2006
The bustling town of Goma, Congo was devastated several years ago when a volcano erupted and engulfed the town in lava. But residents there have found a silver lining, Suzanne Marmion reports.

Are TV shows worth their price tags?

Oct 6, 2006
The cost of producing one season of a TV show is now on par with the price of making a movie. Given the slim chances of a show succeeding, is it money well spent? Host Mark Austin Thomas puts the question to Daily Variety's Michael Speier.

Finally, a new passenger data deal

Oct 6, 2006
After months of failed negotiations, the U.S. and the European Union today reached a new agreement on sharing air passenger data. The deal has its critics though. Host Scott Jagow talks to the European Parliament's Sophie Int'Veld about lingering concerns.

Retail sales holding their own

Oct 6, 2006
Despite worries that Americans would shut their wallets due to gas prices and a softening economy, the news out of the retail sector has been surprisingly positive. But can the trend last? Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.

Abe tries to mend the fence with China

Oct 6, 2006
Japan's new Prime Minister Shinzo Abe heads to Beijing for the first summit meeting between his country and China in five years. Jocelyn Ford has more on what the Japanese leader hopes to accomplish.