Segments From this episode

No credit doesn't mean no buyouts

Sep 10, 2007
Private equity may be out of business for a while since it can't get access to credit, but Allan Sloan says that won't stop the buyouts on Wall Street.

China not manned enough for safety

Sep 10, 2007
Beijing safety regulators are meeting in Washington today to discuss China's need to ensure safety of its products. As Scott Tong reports, the problem with fulfilling these mandates may come from the country's lack of manpower.

Seeking bright ideas for Africa

Sep 10, 2007
The World Bank is offering grants to those who can come up with low-cost alternative light sources for Africa, which spends billions of dollars a year on unsafe non-electrical lighting. Gretchen Wilson has more.

Syria filters its Iraqi immigration

Sep 10, 2007
The flow of immigrants from Iraq has put a lot of pressure on Syria's economy. And starting today, the country implements a new rule that only allows Iraqi businessmen and academics to enter. Jeremy Hobson reports.

U.S. currency continues to weaken

Sep 10, 2007
A possible interest rate cut is threatening to make the dollar even less attractive abroad. Stephen Beard reports that some analysts forsee an all-time low for the currency against the euro in the next few days.

Toy companies getting testy

Sep 10, 2007
Disney and Toys "R" Us are among the companies hiring engineers to test toys at random from off the shelves. This will add a layer of security -- and most likely a layer of cost. Alisa Roth reports.

Mexico gets closer to India

Sep 10, 2007
After 20 years without any serious discussion on the subject, Mexican President Felipe Calderon is in India this week to talk trade. Dan Grech tells us why.

China has taste for California

Sep 10, 2007
The first California grapes to arrive in China 10 years ago were a big deal, and the appreciation for California produce hasn't worn off. Stacey Vanek-Smith has more.
A woman buys grapes at a market in Beijing.
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