Segments From this episode

Dealing with slumping sales

Sep 11, 2007
The risks linked to anemia drugs lead to rough sales for drugmaker Amgen. Kai Ryssdal sat down with CEO Kevin Sharer and asked him how he handled the hard business of downsizing during tough times.

Imposing a national 'fair' tax

Sep 11, 2007
While Congress wraps up a four-day hearing on a wide gamut of tax issues, commentator Stephen Moore offers a fair alternative: abolishing income and payroll tax for a national sales tax.

Roddick was kinder, more ethical retailer

Sep 11, 2007
The Body Shop founder Anita Roddick was committed to good causes long before it was fashionable. The retailer died last night at the age of 64, and Stephen Beard says the ethically-minded are paying tribute.

Slim-funded terror slips through cracks

Sep 11, 2007
The government uses the money trail to do a lot of its terror tracking. But these days, terrorists are executing plans on a budget. Jeremy Hobson reports.

OPEC split on crude decision

Sep 11, 2007
OPEC members are in Vienna today to consider pumping more crude oil onto the world market to bring down prices. But some members say increasing supply isn't necessary. Jeff Tyler reports.

Not the center, but it still claims capital

Sep 11, 2007
A new government study says New York has more high-tech workers than Silicon Valley, but investors are still pumping money into the West Coast. Jill Barshay reports.

Bolivians capitalize on smokescreen

Sep 11, 2007
There's a movement in Bolivia to consolidate the country's two capitals in Sucre, the judicial and constitutional center. Opponents say the idea is just a tool to distract President Evo Morales. Dan Grech reports.

Time's almost up for UAW negotiations

Sep 11, 2007
United Auto Workers are still in talks with the Big Three about union contracts set to expire Friday. Alisa Roth looks into why it's taking so long.