Segments From this episode

A star today and a bust tomorrow

Sep 12, 2007
New figures out today will show states like Arizona and Florida with the highest housing growth two years ago. Jeremy Hobson reports that now, these states suffer some of the highest foreclosure rates.

An interest rate cut won't stop recession

Sep 12, 2007
The Fed will meet Tuesday to decide whether to cut interest rates. But commentator Robert Reich says an interest rate cut won't help curb a recession -- though a tax cut could.

Not much for TV to celebrate

Sep 12, 2007
With the Writer's Guild contract about to run out and fear of a strike looming, it's not the greatest time for the TV industry. Lisa Napoli tells us why this weekend's Emmy awards may feel a bit . . . sad.

OPEC oil won't satiate market

Sep 12, 2007
Despite OPEC's decision yesterday to put more oil onto the world market, crude-oil prices are trading at near record levels. Stephen Beard reports OPEC's extra half a million barrels a day still isn't enough to make a difference.

Location key for China construction

Sep 12, 2007
A Chinese manufacturer of construction equipment is planning to move its operations to a plant in the U.S. in order to stay competitive. Jeff Tyler reports.

Music publishers to bars: Pay up!

Sep 12, 2007
Copyright law says songwriters should be paid each time their work is used in a venue. But some bars and restaurants aren't paying, and that could mean heavy fines for the owners. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Calories coming off the menu

Sep 12, 2007
A federal judge said it was unfair for some New York City restaurants to have to put calories on their menus while others were exempt. So they can all come down. Jill Barshay reports.

Some markets spared from subprime

Sep 12, 2007
Not all world markets are suffering from the subprime crisis. According to the Bank for International Settlements, emerging economies like India and Brazil have largely been spared. Alisa Roth reports.