Segments From this episode

Earnings reveal subprime numbers

Sep 18, 2007
Lehman Brothers reported third-quarter earnings today, making it the first investment bank to turn in its numbers since the subprime crisis began. The other big banks report later this week, and Amy Scott reports investors are fearing the worst.

Preemptive food safety regulations

Sep 18, 2007
The Grocery Manufacturers Association is calling for more government regulation of food imports. But critics say the trade group is imposing minor restrictions as a way to avoid potentially tougher ones in the future. Jeremy Hobson reports.

Urinals flush with sports history

Sep 18, 2007
An auctioneer in St. Louis is auctioning off various odds and ends from the old Tiger Stadium in Detroit. Scott Jagow spoke to CEO Bruce Schneider about what some sports fans will pay to own a piece of an old stadium bathroom.

An age of financial fragility

Sep 18, 2007
From the Fed meeting rate cuts to August's wholesale prices report, there's a lot for the markets to digest today. Doug Krizner talked to ING Group chief economist Mark Cliffe in London about these numbers and the subprime effect in Europe.

Wanted: Pentagon bookkeepers

Sep 18, 2007
With this week's defense authorization bill in the Senate comes the possibility of another half a trillion dollars for non-war Pentagon spending. But Steve Henn reports they're already having trouble keeping track of the books.

Mandatory health care won't curb costs

Sep 18, 2007
Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton laid out her plan for health care yesterday, which includes mandatory health insurance. But commentator Jamie Court says demanding more cost-effective coverage would be a better solution.

More in support of a Fed rate cut

Sep 18, 2007
August wholesale prices had their biggest drop in 10 months, making an interest rate cut possibly more attractive to the Fed. But what will it help? Scott Jagow talked to Jamie Chisholm of the Financial Times.

3 million bad letters on the way

Sep 18, 2007
In the last year, the number of warning letters sent to troubled mortgage-holders increased 115 percent. Steve Henn reports this may just be the beginning.