Segments From this episode

Rebound for junk bonds?

Sep 25, 2007
The Fed interest rate cut gave a much-needed boost to the junk bond market, but investment banks still need to claw their way out of debt before they can celebrate. Amy Scott has more.

Holy feeling for holey wallet

Sep 25, 2007
Religion may seem to be on the rise in the U.S., but a new book called "Shopping for God" says it may have more to do with marketing than spirituality. Lisa Napoli talks to author James Twitchell.

BP 3rd-quarter outlook: 'dreadful'

Sep 25, 2007
BP stock is tanking on a dreary third-quarter appraisal by the company's CEO. Stephen Beard in tells us why it's possible for an oil giant to do poorly right now.

A defining point for the auto industry

Sep 25, 2007
What effect will the United Auto Workers strike have on General Motors, and how long can it last? Doug Krizner asked Micki Maynard from The New York Times, who said the UAW could be at it for weeks.

New economy, antiquated labor system

Sep 25, 2007
Even with a modern, global economy, slavery can still be found in the U.S. Doug Krizner talks to John Bowes, who has a new book out on contemporary slavery, about how and why it's still around.

Day 1: Fix Japan's economy

Sep 25, 2007
Yasuo Fukuda started today as Japan's new prime minister, and he's already got a lot of economic baggage to carry. Scott Tong reports what's on the leader's to-do list.

Lennar cuts labor

Sep 25, 2007
Miami-based homebuilder Lennar suffered it's biggest lost in the company's 52-year history, causing it to cut 35 percent of its jobs. Jeremy Hobson reports more are on the way.

Too sweet to be true?

Sep 25, 2007
CBS's show "Cane" about a Cuban-American family's sugar empire premieres tonight. While the network claims it's all make-believe, Dan Grech reports the family bears a striking resemblance to a real-life one in Palm Beach.

Congressman calls out bad campaign

Sep 25, 2007
Democratic congressman Henry Waxman says Department of Transportation staffers campaigned behind-the-scenes to trash California's fuel economy standards. But Bush officials says they've done nothing wrong. Sarah Gardner reports.