Segments From this episode

AOL search record lawsuits begin

Sep 26, 2006
Last month AOL mistakenly allowed its users' search data to be posted on the Internet. Now three of the people whose searches were revealed are suing the company. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.

Cyber attacks target home users

Sep 26, 2006
There hasn't been a large-scale computer virus aimed at taking down corporate America for years. Could be because home users are the target of most attacks, according to a new report. Dan Grech reports.

Repeal the liquids ban completely

Sep 26, 2006
Commentator Chris Elliot says the partial repeal of the ban on carry-on liquids could cause more problems than it solves.

Reinvesting in Lebanon

Sep 26, 2006
Many Lebanese Americans are facing the dilemma over whether to send money to help rebuild their ancestral homeland — again. Nancy Farghalli reports.
Members of the Dib family walk with salvaged items from their destroyed home in the southern suburbs in Beirut August 14, 2006.
Spencer Platt (c) Getty Images

Fastow to be sentenced

Sep 26, 2006
Former Enron CFO Andrew Fastow is scheduled to be sentenced today for his role in the Enron collapse. Amy Scott reports.

Hitler paintings up for auction

Sep 26, 2006
Collectors from around the world are expected to offer up to $10,000 each for works of art believed to have been painted by Adolf Hitler. Stephen Beard has the story.

Redstone takes a pay cut

Sep 26, 2006
Viacom CEO Sumner Redstone will lose half his salary and cash bonuses, the company reported Monday. But some don't think that's going far enough. Sarah Gardner reports.

Ebbers goes to jail

Sep 26, 2006
Disgraced WorldCom CEO Bernard Ebbers is scheduled to start his 25-year prison sentence today for fraud and conspiracy. And his incarceration will be no Club Fed, Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Industry embraces FDA reform

Sep 26, 2006
Many in the food and pharmaceutical industries support reforming the FDA. Their bottom lines are very much at stake, Helen Palmer reports.

Japan's new leader looks to China

Sep 26, 2006
Shinzo Abe was elected as Japan's new Prime Minister today. One item high on his agenda is repairing relations with China — and that could be good news for the U.S. Jocelyn Ford reports.