Segments From this episode

Surprises in the self-checkout lane

Sep 27, 2006
Self-checkout lanes are growing in popularity among retailers, but there have been a lot of unforeseen side effects. Ethan Lindsey reports.
Wal-Mart checkout line

Latino jobs could follow housing slowdown

Sep 27, 2006
Unemployment among Latinos hit a historic low this spring, but according a new report out Wednesday the trend isn't likely to last. Dan Grech reports.

Branson wants aviation changes

Sep 27, 2006
British billionaire Richard Branson later today will call on the aviation industry to tackle climate change. He says the airlines could cut pollution substantially by making some simple changes. Stephen Beard reports.

A boom in bonds

Sep 27, 2006
Not everyone's bemoaning the housing market's decline. A slowing economy and steady inflation rates are boosting the bond market. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

House passes record defense spending bill

Sep 27, 2006
The House passed a record $448 billion in defense spending last night. The measure is expected to be passed by the Senate as soon as today. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.

Thanks for the charity, but . . .

Sep 27, 2006
Commentator Robert Reich argues that the goodwill of billionaire tycoons shouldn't take the place of sound public policy.

Pepsi buys Izze

Sep 27, 2006
The soft-drink maker buys the boutique natural soda company as it looks to expand its offerings beyond sugared beverages. Rachel Dornhelm reports.

Bringing down corrupt Chinese officials?

Sep 27, 2006
China's government is warning that a major probe into corruption could bring the downfall of some powerful officials. Jocelyn Ford reports.

P&G sells a Sure thing

Sep 27, 2006
Procter & Gamble has sold Sure brand deodorant to a private equity firm. It's part of a trend to shed brands with little growth potential, Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.