Segments From this episode

Guatemala has big money problem

Sep 27, 2007
If you're irked by American vendors who never seem to be able to break that $20 from the ATM, be thankful you're not in Guatemala. Brett Neely found out that some tourists find it nearly impossible to break the huge bills ATMs spit out over there.

Carbon tax versus cap-and-trade

Sep 27, 2007
Democratic Congressman John Dingell is proposing ideas to combat climate change today, including a gasoline tax and a surcharge for using fossil fuels. Dan Grech reports some don't find the idea innovative enough.

A click away from world domination?

Sep 27, 2007
Privacy advocates are seeing red flags around the proposed Google-DoubleClick merger. It would have more personal information than any company in the world -- not to mention it's an advertiser. Steve Henn reports.

Not all CDs are created equal

Sep 27, 2007
The rates on savings certificates of deposits may be dropping, but some banks will still offer a rate higher than average. Jill Barshay has more.

Boeing's 787 makes clean sweep

Sep 27, 2007
British Airways has made it's biggest aircraft order in nearly a decade, including two dozen Boeing 787 Dreamliners with an option for 18 more. Stephen Beard reports that Boeing got the better end of the deal.

Wal-Mart will cash your checks, too

Sep 27, 2007
With so many people too poor of credit to have a bank account, high-fee check-cashing services are a lucrative business. And Mhari Saito reports that Wal-Mart also wants a piece of that action.

Investors out, students in

Sep 27, 2007
Investors want out of the $25 billion deal with Sallie Mae. So the money is going to be redirected -- to the students. Marketplace's Renita Jablonski has details.

Tamper-proof prescriptions held up

Sep 27, 2007
October 1st was supposed to be the day doctors had to start using tamper-proof paper for Medicaid prescriptions, but Congress gave them a reprieve. John Dimsdale explains why.

A financial lesson from Yale

Sep 27, 2007
The turbulent economy has nothing on Yale. This past fiscal year, the institution's endowment grew 28 percent. Jeremy Hobson has more.