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Marketplace AM for September 28, 2006
Sep 28, 2006

Marketplace AM for September 28, 2006

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Segments From this episode

What to do with that pro sports fortune . . .

Sep 28, 2006
Host Mark Austin Thomas and business of sports expert David Carter look at the growing trend of sports stars as entrepreneurs.

Marketing to kids might get harder

Sep 28, 2006
The FCC is looking into whether there's a link between the growing childhood obesity problem in the U.S. and marketing aimed at kids. And that's making some advertisers and broadcasters uneasy, Lisa Napoli reports.

Small farming boom in one community

Sep 28, 2006
While many American farmers struggle to stay in business, Mennonite farmers in Yates County, New York have made the small farm so successful, they're looking to expand. Sidsel Overgaard has the story.

New deal to share passenger info?

Sep 28, 2006
Negotiators from the United States and European Union today are expected to finalize new rules under which U.S. security officials can access the passenger lists of European airlines. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

HP soap opera moves to Capitol Hill

Sep 28, 2006
The Hewlett-Packard pretexting scandal will continue to play out in Washington today. A House panel plans to grill company leaders about the practice. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.

UK housing prices continue climb

Sep 28, 2006
There's been a lot of talk about a housing slowdown in the U.S., but prices are still on the rise in Britain. Stephen Beard reports.

Can CITGO survive Hugo Chavez?

Sep 28, 2006
7-Eleven is ending a 20-year deal with Venezuelan-owned CITGO following last week's fiery anti-Bush remarks by Hugo Chavez. Sound like the beginnings of a boycott? Not so fast, Sam Eaton reports.

Wal-Mart's urban strategy

Sep 28, 2006
The world's largest retailer opened its first store in Chicago yesterday, advancing a strategy to try to cash in on urban hipsters. But being the low-cost leader doesn't guarantee success, Helen Palmer reports.

Working conditions in Wal-Mart factories

Sep 28, 2006
Wal-Mart has issued its annual report on how the 7,200 factories it buys from in 60 countries treat workers and the environment. The increased awareness may be helping improve working conditions in China, Jocelyn Ford reports