Segments From this episode

Job Files: Milkman

Sep 4, 2006
This Labor Day installment of the job files checks in with a hard-working milkman.

Labor Day road rally

Sep 4, 2006
A record number of motorists are expected to have hit the road this long Labor Day weekend. New airport restrictions and falling gas prices are helping fuel the increase, Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.

Asia's working poor

Sep 4, 2006
A new study from the International Labor Organization warns that even though Asia is growing fast economically, it hasn't created enough quality jobs. Miranda Kennedy explains.

Downsize my space

Sep 4, 2006
With interest rates going up, is the era of big houses on its way out? Bob Moon takes a look.

Back-to-school costs rising

Sep 4, 2006
The cost to send junior back to school is higher than ever. Amy Scott explains.

Cereal to put crunch on wallets

Sep 4, 2006
Cereal makers are likely to raise the price of their products this month to offset increasing commodity costs. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

State of the American worker

Sep 4, 2006
Just how is the average American working man or woman faring these days? Not great says a report from the Economic Policy Institute. Jane Lindholm has the details.

Hanging with a surf instructor

Sep 4, 2006
Ever wonder what it's like to be a surf instructor? Get ready to hit the waves with Larry Fernandez.