Segments From this episode

Most likely to get crunched...

Sep 4, 2007
Standard and Poor's says the tiny emerging markets of Latvia and Iceland are most vulnerable to fallout from the U.S. subprime mortgage meltdown. Stephen Beard explains the link.

Edsel rolls into golden age at 50

Sep 4, 2007
Today is the 50th anniversary of the Edsel, but Ford isn't celebrating. It is one of the most spectacular failures in U.S. automotive history, but the splashy car is probably more popular now than ever. Dan Grech reports.

Hot in one room, cold in the next

Sep 4, 2007
Office buildings never seem to get the temperature right. You might think modern climate controls could stabilize such tightly-controlled environments, but the very design of cooling systems is to blame, Janet Babin discovers.

Traffic and corruption in New Delhi

Sep 4, 2007
India's accident rate is one of the worst: over 80,000 traffic-related deaths a year. In New Delhi, it's so bad the High Court increased fines 50%, but the roots of the problem go much deeper. Miranda Kennedy reports.

NYC taxi strike looms

Sep 4, 2007
Some cab drivers in New York City aren't happy about new regulations that require them to have GPS and credit card systems installed. We speak to one driver about the costs he's facing.

Not enough commitment to Asia?

Sep 4, 2007
President Bush is leaving the annual APEC summit a day early this year. That might not sit well with some Asian countries, which has some questioning if we're as engaged as we need to be in that part of the world. Janet Babin reports.

China gets warm welcome Down Under

Sep 4, 2007
Australia welcomed Chinese President Hu Jintao today. Thanks to a mutually-profitable economic partnership, China has ingratiated itself on both sides of the Aussie political divide. Scott Tong reports.

Bobbing in uncertain subprime waters

Sep 4, 2007
Fallout from the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis has raised doubts about dozens of multi-billion dollar deals struck earlier this summer. Some analysts now say the biggest-ever banking takeover bid could be affected. Stephen Beard reports.

Canal construction ahead next 7 years

Sep 4, 2007
Panama Canal expansion started with a bang yesterday as 15 tons of explosives brought down Paradise Hill to begin a seven-year, $5.25 billion project that will reshape global trade routes. Dan Grech has details.