What’s your financial New Year’s resolution?
Dec 28, 2023

What’s your financial New Year’s resolution?

When you outline a budget for the new year, don't forget to include a column for "feelings."

Segments From this episode

The last military aid package to Ukraine for 2023

The Biden administration has its last military aid package of the year for Ukraine amid stalled negotiations with Congress over additional war efforts funding in the new year.

2023's recession that never was

Despite sour consumer sentiment, the economy is actually doing pretty fantastic — and has been among the strongest, on paper, in decades. We discuss this and more with Diane Swonk, chief economist at the audit tax and advisory firm KMPG.

How trauma can show up in our relationship with money — and what can be done about it

Chantel Chapman, co-founder of Trauma of Money, discusses the complicated connection between trauma we've experienced and how we save or spend.
BrianAJackson/Getty Images

The team

Leanna Byrne Host, BBC
Kelly Silvera Executive Producer
Meredith Garretson Morbey Senior Producer
Erika Soderstrom Producer
Alex Schroeder Producer
Ariana Rosas Producer
Dylan Miettinen Digital Producer
Jesson Duller Media Producer
Nick Esposito Media Producer
Nic Perez Director/Producer
James Graham Producer, BBC
Jo Critcher Producer, BBC
Naomi Rainey Producer, BBC
Lis Mahy Producer, BBC