Marketplace for Friday, December 4, 2009
Dec 4, 2009

Marketplace for Friday, December 4, 2009


Segments From this episode

Long-term joblessness is on the rise

Dec 4, 2009
November's unemployment figures overall were positive, with the jobless rate dropping two percentage points to 10%. However, the number of people who have been looking for work for more than six months is increasing. Mitchell Hartman reports.

Supreme Court to decide on reform act

Dec 4, 2009
Capitol Hill lawmakers considering new regulations for the financial industry will be watching the Supreme Court on Monday as it hears arguments in a case about the last, big financial reform law known as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. John Dimsdale reports.

Dems consider tax on big stock trades

Dec 4, 2009
What do you do if you're a lawmaker and you need to raise money? Congressional Democrats have an answer in mind -- a new tax on trades on Wall Street. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports on how it might work.

Weekly Wrap

Dec 4, 2009
Kai Ryssdal sizes up the week's events on Wall Street and beyond with Leigh Gallagher from Fortune magazine and The Atlantic's Megan McArdle.

L.A. Auto Show gets more compact

Dec 4, 2009
Nissan and luxury car makers are no-shows at this year's L.A. Auto Show, but the Los Angeles Times' Dan Neil tells Kai Ryssdal there's still plenty of innovation to behold.

A human resource for HR workers

Dec 4, 2009
How do you cope when part of your job is telling other people they've lost theirs? Dozens of human resource workers are turning to a Minnesota company that allows them to commiserate. Sean Cole reports.

Small Talk

Dec 4, 2009
Marketplace staffers share the stories that you may not have noticed in the headlines this week -- from virtual marriage to North Korean designer jeans. (And yes, Brendan, there were sidewalk Santas.)