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Segments From this episode

What happened to plain old summer jobs?

Aug 1, 2006
Economists nowadays argue that young people should postpone work and get more degrees. Make more money in the end. But commentator Amity Shlaes says we're not doing kids any favors by letting them out of work.

Cuba without Castro

Aug 1, 2006
Cuban leader Fidel Castro has temporarily ceded power to his brother, Raoul. Should Castro step down from power, what will a new Cuba look like? Host Kai Ryssdal speaks to Cuban economic expert Daniel Erikson.

Carmelo Scuderi's legacy just revving up

Aug 1, 2006
As consumers turn to more fuel-efficient cars, the work of Carmelo Scuderi comes closer to reality. The widely-respected engineer and entrepreneur isn't a big auto name yet — but that might change if his final big idea passes the test. Steve Tripoli has the story.

Pied-noirs breathe life back into Algerian tourism

Aug 1, 2006
French settlers fled Algeria en masse in 1962 after that nation gained independence. Now many are returning to see the country where they were raised — and boosting its tourism industry. John Laurenson reports.

Picture keeps getting worse at Kodak

Aug 1, 2006
Once the granddaddy of all things celluloid, Kodak today posted its seventh straight losing quarter. It also announced it's cutting another 2,000 jobs. Hillary Wicai looks at the company's rocky road to financial recovery.

Are offshore tax shelters fraud — or just shady?

Aug 1, 2006
A Senate report released today finds that more and more extremely wealthy taxpayers are hiding their money in offshore accounts. But is it fraud? Scott Tong reports.

Cingular: Upgrade or pay

Aug 1, 2006
Cingular Wireless plans to charge consumers $5 extra a month for the privilege of using . . . an old cell phone. Apparently, 4.7 million of the company's customers are not interested in fancy, high-tech phones. Lisa Napoli reports.