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Segments From this episode

PepsiCo promotes woman to CEO

Aug 14, 2006
PepsiCo Inc. said today that CFO Indra Nooyi will replace Steven Reinemund as its CEO — a move that makes her one of the most powerful women in the corporate world. Janet Babin reports.

Flying without liquid

Aug 14, 2006
Revised air travel rules were announced yesterday, but some items considered necessities by many travelers are still prohibited. If the ban persists, what will the friendly skies look like? Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Create-your-own Xbox games

Aug 14, 2006
Microsoft has come up with the ultimate video game: a program that lets Xbox players create their own games. Lisa Napoli has the story.

Israelis slow to return north

Aug 14, 2006
There's not as much destruction on the other side of the border in northern Israel, but there's plenty of economic dislocation. Host Kai Ryssdal speaks to reporter Patrick Anidjar of the Agence France Presse in Jerusalem.

Lefties make more

Aug 14, 2006
Educated men who are left-handed make more money than their right-handed counterparts, according to a recent economic study. Host Kai Ryssdal speaks with economist Christopher S. Ruebeck, who co-wrote the report.

Lebanese head home

Aug 14, 2006
Major fighting between Israel and Hezbollah ended this morning after a UN cease-fire took hold, and many Lebanese are returning home to see what's left. Host Kai Ryssdal checks in with reporter Ben Gilbert in Beirut.

The changing face of airport screeners

Aug 14, 2006
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said he's looking to replace all contractors working at airport checkpoints with TSA staff members. Scott Tong explains what the move would mean.

Coke, Pepsi fizzling in India?

Aug 14, 2006
Nine Indian states have banned Coke and Pepsi sales over allegations that they contain pesticides. The soda giants insist their Indian products are safe to drink. And many consumers seem to agree, Miranda Kennedy reports.