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Segments From this episode

Natural gas prices ride along with heat wave

Aug 2, 2006
Natural gas prices are at near-record prices as oil hovers about $76 a barrel. The high energy prices come at a time of record electricity demand throughout the country due to a heat wave. Steve Tripoli reports.

Strong consumer spending . . . or inflation?

Aug 2, 2006
Investors today were cheered by news of a 36% jump in 2nd quarter profits at Procter & Gamble. But where Wall Street saw a silver lining, others see a gray cloud in the form of inflationary pressure. Bob Moon reports.

Post-9/11 group: It's up to you, New York

Aug 2, 2006
The agency charged with rebuilding Lower Manhattan after 9/11 says it's closing up shop. So what happens to the World Trade Center site and other projects? Host Kai Ryssdal talks to Marketplace's Amy Scott.

Iowa town warms to influx of immigrants

Aug 2, 2006
Congress is holding field hearings on immigration across the country this summer, but if lawmakers really want to understand the impact of immigration, they should head to Denison, Iowa. Darren Gersh explains.

Entrepreneurs eye Cuba

Aug 2, 2006
The health of Cuban leader Fidel Castro remains a state secret, but the partying has already begun in Miami. Entrepreneurs there are trying to figure out if they'll have a role after the leader is out of power. Dan Grech reports.

Alternatives to raising minimum wage

Aug 2, 2006
The Senate is still trying to hammer out a bill to raise the minimum wage. But commentator Glenn Hubbard says it's a bad idea.

Rolling Stones get their shelter

Aug 2, 2006
Details of the Rolling Stones' financial affairs have just been made public, and they reveal a shockingly low tax bill. Stephen Beard reports from London.

Only $2 billion left to spend in Iraq

Aug 2, 2006
The inspector general for Iraq reconstruction talked to lawmakers today and said there's only $2 billion left for rebuilding the country, with about 500 projects left on the so-called short list. How's the work going to get done? Hillary Wicai reports.